Debian Developer Clarifies Mono Position

Article Source The H
July 6, 2009, 12:27 am

Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, a Debian developer who stated Debian’s position on Mono in the default Debian install last week, has clarified his statement on the issue in a new posting. Reichle-Schmehl, also known as “Tolimar”, pointed out that what he wrote reflected the current, rather than the future, state of Debian and noted that since Debian 5.0, Lenny, the installer installs the “gnome” metapackage which includes the Mono based Tomboy, rather than the “gnome-desktop-environment” which does not. Although the latter package is more popular in terms of users, the switch in Lenny does mean the “gnome” package will be installed more often in the future…

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