Developers Can Now Run a Fast Redis Database on IBM’s SoftLayer Cloud


Developers who want to use Garantia Data’s service, Redis Cloud, which is a souped-up version of the open-source in-memory key-value store Redis, don’t need to worry about expanding their cloud infrastructure, Garantia Data executive Itamar Haber wrote in a post on an IBM blog . “Redis Cloud’s fully managed service on SoftLayer performs automated clustering, scaling, data persistence, performance optimization, and failure recovery from a single console, so you get ‘hands free’ Redis management,†he wrote.

The new support for Redis Cloud could help IBM lure more developers onto its cloud. IBM has simultaneously been trying to match public cloud competitor Amazon Web Services in some ways and exploring methods of standing out in a fast-moving and not always friendly market. This move in particular moves IBM up a notch in terms of the ability to run the expansive Redis Cloud, right alongside Amazon and other public clouds including Microsoft’s Windows Azure.

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