Developing User Interfaces for Mesos Frameworks and Why They Are Needed


Mesosphere’s DCOS allows the use of a data center as if it were a single machine. It has a graphical user interface and people can install frameworks and manage the data center resources from a web browser. But what about a user interface for the Mesos frameworks itself?

Three Areas of Responsibility

If we step back and take a higher level look at a running Mesos cluster, we can see there are three main areas of responsibility:

  • Resource management: This is the responsibility of Mesos itself. It makes sure that, at every point in time, applications running on the cluster get adequate processors and memory assigned from the pool of CPUs and memory, which are provided by the Mesos slaves in the cluster.
  • Applications: Our applications are web servers, databases, batch jobs, data analytics, etc. We’ve probably been running these before we introduced Mesos to our setup — they are the bread and butter of the business.
  • Frameworks: Mesos frameworks are the layer between Mesos and the applications. They are responsible for launching and scaling applications, performing health checks and responding to various conditions affecting their operation. A framework can be understood as an integration layer between the distributed systems kernel (a sort of a virtualized data center) and an application.

Read more at The New Stack