From DevOps to BizDevOps: It’s All About the People


Several of us from the OpenCredo team were in attendance at the inaugural EU edition of the DevOps Enterprise Summit conference. We have been big fans of the two previous US versions, and have watched the video recordings of talks (20142015) with keen interest as many of our DevOps transformation clients are very much operating in the ‘enterprise’ space. It was great to be able to attend this London-based conference in person, as although the presentations will soon be on YouTube, by not attending you miss out on the face-to-face interactions and networking. 

I’ve attempted to capture some of the key memes we saw over the two days, and if you have any questions then please do get in touch!

It’s all about the people

Several great talks, including Darren Hague’s SAP transformation journey, argued that DevOps is all about the people. For anyone implementing change within a large organisation this should be self-evident. However, as John Willis pointed out, some organisations still don’t get it. John argued that high performing organisations care for their people like strategic assets, and actively work against creating a culture where burnout is tolerated

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