Distribution Release: PrimTux Eiffel


The PrimTux project, which develops an education-oriented distribution based on Debian, has released a new version of the French language operating system. The new release, which carries the label “PrimTux Eiffel”, features educational programs…

The PrimTux project, which develops an education-oriented distribution based on Debian, has released a new version of the French language operating system. The new release, which carries the label “PrimTux Eiffel”, features educational programs, LibreOffice 4, games and an easy to navigate interface designed with young children in mind. The distribution also features the Handy menu from Handylinux. “PrimTux is developed by a small team of school teachers and computer enthusiasts in the educational environment. For its lightness, it is not intended to replace or become the main operating system of a modern computer, but an upgrade obsolete equipment and pointing toward the school or educational environment in the spirit of education. 

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