EnFuzion Image Rendering on Amazon EC2

Article Source insideHPC
July 13, 2009, 6:03 am

Axceleon, proprietors of the EnFuzion solution for clustered rendering applications, has announced that their flagship product now supports pushing render work out to Amazon’s EC2 cloud platform.  EnFuzion 2009 launches and manages images renders on EC2 seamlessly via major 2D applications such as Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects with plug-in renderers like vRay, 3Delight, Turtle and mental ray.

EnFuzion with EC2 provides ‚Äúelastic rendering‚Äù within the cloud and changes the economics of rendering by allowing studios and end users to pay only for their usage. This notion of ‚Äúelastic rendering‚Äù using EnFuziondecreases the management of a studio‚Äôs hardware and software stockpile. The EnFuzion render farm in the cloud shrinks and expands on demand. It can start with one render node and rapidly expand to thousands of render nodes transparently increasing the potential of the render farm within minutes using Amazon‚Äôs EC2,‚Äù said Mr. Duffy, President and CEO of Axceleon…

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