Engineering Incremental Change


This chapter from Building Evolutionary Architectures describes architectures that support incremental change along with some of the engineering practices used to achieve incremental change.

In 2010, Jez Humble and Dave Farley released Continuous Delivery, a collection of practices to enhance the engineering efficiency in software projects. They provided the mechanism for building and releasing software via automation and tools but not the structure of how to design evolvable software. Evolutionary architecture assumes these engineering practices as prerequisites but addresses how to utilize them to help design evolvable software.

Our definition of evolutionary architecture implies incremental change, meaning the architecture should facilitate change in small increments. This chapter describes architectures that support incremental change along with some of the engineering practices used to achieve incremental change, an important building block of evolutionary architecture. We discuss two aspects of incremental change: development, which covers how developers build software, and operational, which covers how teams deploy software.

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