Excited for LinuxCon New Orleans, in GIFs


LinuxCon and CloudOpen North America are next week in New Orleans.

Erica Brescia

And to get you pumped up for the event, we’ve collected some fun moments from LinuxCon 2012.

Whether you’re coming to hear the great prognosticator give his state of Linux address

Jim Zemlin

Goof off like Greg Kroah Hartman in a half pipe

GKH Skateboard

Find people to laugh at your kernel jokes

Guys Laughing

Join the penguin rookery

Endless People

See Linus Torvalds on stage (is this thing on?)

Linus Torvalds on stage at LinuxCon

Or rock out with Linus 

Linus Singing

We hope your experience is Excellent. 

Head Banging

And if you can’t make it, be sure to catch the live video stream of the LinuxCon and CloudOpen keynotes.