Fedora Classroom Helpers Needed


Hey Folks. We are looking for some people to help out with the Fedora Classroom project. Please let me know if you are interested in any of these positions:


Know something about Fedora Project? ¬†Whether it be big or small, we want you to come and share your knowledge. ¬†Instructors are always needed to present to interested parties. ¬†The topic is up to you and it can be basic or very in-depth. ¬†Even if you don’t feel like your topic is very advanced, many folks love to hear about new and amazing things. ¬†Please come and take the time to present!

Instructor Recruiters

This position would have you look around for people who use Fedora or are associated with Fedora and are interested/willing/able to teach classes. You would explain to them how the classes work and help them setup their class schedules and so forth. This position could also look for people who have interesting blog posts or mailing list postings or are active on IRC and ask them to teach some classes.


Working with the Fedora Marketing team, this position would have you mail out class schedules, make blog posts, and any other ways you can think of to get out the message about classes and how to attend them. It would help to be subscribed to various fedora lists and/or be active at fedoraforum.org.


For this position, you would need to be well versed in IRC setup and usage and be able to be available at various times when classes are held. People in this job would introduce classes, answer general questions about the sessions and help control disruptive students or the like. The Emcee should also be able to upload logs of just completed classes to the wiki.

Wiki tender

People in this job would tend the classroom wiki page. They would make sure schedules are up to date and filled out properly, that archives were uploaded after classes and filed in the right places.

Please see our mail wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom

For more information.