Find ‘Skater Tux’ and Win Cool Linux Skateboard


In case you didn’t already know, the location for this year’s LinuxCon – San Diego – is known for its skaters. That’s right, the skateboarding variety. What happens when you combine the Linux community with a skateboard mecca? You get ‘Skater Tux’:

So it’s only fitting that this year’s LinuxCon/CloudOpen speaker gift is {spoiler alert}, well, a skateboard.

Check it out:

skateboard v5orange

We have a couple extra, so we thought we’d host a fun game in which two community members can be the proud owners of these wheels.

Skater Tux will be skating his way through our websites –,,Linux Foundation Events, Linux Training – over the next 12 days (Aug 3-Aug15). Every few days we’ll post a hint on our social channels as to where you might find him. When you find him, share the link to his location on Twitter or using #linuxcon AND #cloudopen hashtags or email it to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Sorry, Facebook and Google+ have rules against asking community members to enter contests on our pages.

On August 15, Skater Tux will leave our websites (he’ll be on his way to LinuxCon after all) and we’ll conduct a random drawing of all the people who found him over those 12 days. If you find him in more than one location and share multiple links, you will be entered as many times as you find him. Since he will only move three times, the maximum amount of times you can be entered is three (in other words, please don’t share or send us the same link over and over, that won’t work). We’ll announce the winners shortly thereafter.

If you’re going to LinuxCon, bring your skateboard along, because there will be professional skateboarders in the outdoor lunch area from 12-1:30 on Friday, August 31. They will have equipment (including skateboards for those who don’t have their own)  as well as gift packs for people who show some mad skills. They’ll be providing demos and lessons for free, so definitely check it out.

These are just some of the activities planned at LinuxCon/CloudOpen. Join us outside on the lawn each day for BBQ and food trucks. We’ll also have lawn games and a variety of cool stuff to do while you take a break from sessions.

THIS WEEK’S HINT:The Linux Foundation is advised by an esteemed advisory board of Linux kernel developers. Their pictures and bio’s are on our website where we detail this advisory board and their work.