Firm picks Oracle 11g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the long haul


Author: JT Smith

When it came time for fleet tracking and management software provider Cadec Global LLC to rebuild its software as a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, chief architect Heimir Sverrisson knew it had to be deployed on Linux, not Microsoft Windows or a proprietary Unix flavor like Sun Microsystems’ Solaris or IBM’s AIX. Cadec’s old system, Mobius TTS, was a client/server application based on Microsoft Windows running SQL Server. From the outset, Windows was eliminated because of scalability concerns; it didn’t scale well enough to be used as a mission-critical SaaS platform. “On system administration tasks and operations, it was cumbersome and hard to script, and as a platform, hidden registries were a nasty thing and you couldn’t move components across machines very easily,” Sverrisson said.



  • Linux