First Linux Training held in Lao PDR to Promote FOSS

The Lao PDR government actively supports the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) as “solution to the expensive cost of proprietary software especially in government and also for the small and medium business enterprises.†To provide human resource support in the promotion of FOSS use, a training of trainers was held recently in Vientiane.

The training not only includes the Ubuntu (ver 7.04) Linux Operating System but also the Lao Versions of Linux called Laonux, Open Office Suite known as Xangdao, and Thunderbird Email Client which is called Salika in Lao Language. This was made possible also with the development of a Lao language keyboard layout.

Link: Linux Basic Desktop Training of Trainers, STEA, Vientiane, Lao PDR, July 2 – 6, 2007