Flock 2.5 Delivers the Promise of Social Media on the Web

Article Source Linux Magazine
May 26, 2009, 6:00 am

It’s been a long time in coming, but with the 2.5 release, the Flock folks have pulled all of the pieces together to deliver a cohesive “Social Web Browser.” The 2.5 release of Flock, coupled with the increasing mainstream interest in social media, might just be enough to make Flock more than a niche browser for Web 2.0 junkies.

Flock is a fork of Firefox aimed at streamlining the ‚Äúsocial media‚Äù experience on the Web. Flock adds a number of features to make it easier to share media, post to microblogs, use Webmail, and generally make the most of the social Web while browsing…