Free HIPAA Compliant Medical Billing Software

FreeHIPAA provides a secure, quick, reliable and simple means to generate and transfer
HIPAA compliant claim files.

FreeHIPAA uses the most pervasive and time tested web technology today to
create the easiest and fastest way for providers regardless of size or technical
resources to send electronic medical claims.

I . Application Platform – LAMP
FreeHIPAA is based on the web platform known as LAMP. LAMP refers to a set of
tools; (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) that allow for rapid deployment and development
of enterprise level applications. LAMP can be briefly defines as the open source
web platform.

Linux – provides a standards compliant robust operating system that inherits
the UNIX legacy for security and stability which can run on most common hardware

Apache – is the most popular web server on the Internet and presently holds
67% of the market. Apache is based on the NCSA (National Center for Super Computing
Applications) web server.

MySQL is a fast flexible Relational Database. MySQL is the most widely used
Relational Database System in the world with over 4 million instance in use.

PHP – is the most popular scripting language for developing dynamic web based
applications. PHP is capable of extremely robust and complicated processes.
PHP is currently in use on over 8 million web sites.

II. Security
FreeHIPAA uses an array of security measures to ensure that the application
meets HIPAA security requirements such as:

  • Use of digital ids to authenticate users
  • 128-bit SSL to encrypt data viewed over the web
  • GnuPG encryption keys to secure file transfers and mask Protected Health
    Information (PHI)
  • Application and Network firewall’s to prevent hacking of the system
  • Restricted physical access to the data center and server limited to authorized
  • Kane Web Monitoring service to alert support personnel if application is
  • Network and Application logging to track users
  • One-way hash of database password
  • Nightly backups of data
  • Stand by disaster recovery servers

III. User Interface
One of the goals of FreeHIPAA was to create a simple interface that would allow
users to transition from a paper to electronic process with minimal training
and no setup.

The interface can be divided into the following sections:

* Registration – The registration page is where a single provider or practice
would go to register their personal information such as business name, phone
number, contact name, email address etc. Once the user has registered and been
confirmed they will be issued a digital id to allow them to access the system.
Digital Ids are the most secure means to authenticate a user and offer the additional
benefit of lowering support requests by not having to worry about lost user
names and passwords.

* Claim forms – Upon going to the web site the first screen that greets the
user is the Claim Forms page. The Claim Form page lists claims hat have been
entered into the system that have not yet been batched into an 837p file.

To get started, a user would only have to click the “Create claim form”
button. All their patient, provider and payer information is pre-loaded. The
claims entry screen was designed to mirror an HCFA-1500 paper form, which most
providers are familiar with.

* Export – The export module is where a user goes to send, download, view,
and create an 837p batch file. Claims are batched by receiver. Upon clicking
the send button the file is encrypted and transferred. If there are errors within
the claim the user is notified of what the claim are problems are. The system
will not allow a user to bundle claims with errors.

* Setup – The setup module is where a user goes to modify their personal information,
add/edit primary responsible, patient and payer information.

With just 9 screens that are familiar, intuitive, and simple to use, users
can easily grasp the functionality of the system and start submitting HIPAA
compliant claims immediately.

Link: FreeHIPAA