The Future of Realtime Linux in Doubt


In a message about the release of the 3.14.10-rt7 realtime Linux kernel, Thomas Gleixner reiterated that the funding problems that have plagued realtime Linux (which he raised, again, at last year’s Real Time Linux Workshop) have only gotten worse. Efforts were made to find funding for the project, but “nothing has materialized“. Assuming that doesn’t change, Gleixner plans to cut back on development and on plans to get the code upstream. “After my last talk about the state of preempt-RT at LinuxCon Japan, Linus told me: ‘That was far more depressing than I feared’. The mainline kernel has seen a lot of benefit from the preempt-RT efforts in the past 10 years and there is a lot more stuff which needs to be done upstream in order to get preempt-RT fully integrated, which certainly would improve the general state of the Linux kernel again.

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