Gentoo Mourns the Passing of Ferris McCormick

Article Source LWN
August 12, 2009, 3:05 pm

The Gentoo community has sent out an eulogy for Ferris E. McCormick, known as “fmccor,” who passed away on August 5. “Ferris joined Gentoo on April 16th 2004 as part of the sparc team and improved sparc support for the entire open source community. Within a year he also joined the Developer Relations team to help with mediation of any issues that might come up between people. As time went on Ferris continued to expand and assist Gentoo in many ways including assisting with the User Relations team and growing to become the Strategic Manager of the sparc project. Finally, he became a trustee and the Vice President of the Foundation assisting in getting the foundation back into good standing.” There is a forum where thoughts can be posted.

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