Get Essential Git, Linux, and Open Source Skills with New Training Course


Git, the version control system originally created by Linus Torvalds, has become the standard for collaborative software development and is used by tens of millions of open source projects. To help you master this tool as well as gain essential knowledge of Linux and open source software development practices, The Linux Foundation is offering an Introduction to Open Source Development, Git, and Linux (LFD201), a new training course focused on Linux and Git.

“Open source software development practices lead to better code and faster development, which is why open source has become the dominant model for how the world’s technology infrastructure is built and operates,” said Linux Foundation General Manager, Training & Certification Clyde Seepersad. Thus, it is imperative to understand the fundamental systems and tools involved.

Course Objectives

In this course, you will:

  • Gain a strong foundation of skills for working in open source development communities

  • Learn to work comfortably and productively in a Linux environment

  • Master important Linux methods and tools

You will also learn how to use Git to:

  • Create new repositories or clone existing ones

  • Commit new changes, review revision histories, and view differences from older versions

  • Work with different branches, merge repositories, and work with a distributed development team

This course is aimed at experienced computer users and developers who have little or no experience in a Linux environment, as well as those with some Linux experience who want to gain a good working knowledge of Git. 

It provides an introduction to open source software, including an overview of methodology, licensing, and governance. It also provides details of working with Linux systems and examines an array of basic topics, including installation, desktop environments, important commands and utilities, file systems, and compiling software. The final section provides a practical introduction to Git, the source control system that allows efficient and verified software development to occur among widely distributed contributors.

Available Anywhere

The online course is accessible from anywhere in the world; it requires only a physical or virtual Linux environment — running any Linux distribution. It contains 43 hands-on lab exercises, more than 20 videos demonstrating important tasks, and quizzes to check your understanding of the material.

Take your open source journey to the next level with the essential skills offered in an  Introduction to Open Source Development, Git, and Linux. The course is available now for $299. Register now.