Get Started with Containers for Developers and QA Engineers


Containers are becoming the de facto approach for deploying applications, because they are easy to use and cost-effective. With containers, you can significantly cut down the time to go to market if the entire team responsible for the application lifecycle is involved — whether they are developers, Quality Assurance engineers, or Ops engineers.

The new Containers for Developers and Quality Assurance (LFS254) self-paced course from The Linux Foundation is designed for developers and Quality Assurance engineers who are interested in learning the workflow of an application with Docker. In this self-paced course, we will quickly review some Docker basics, including installation, and then, with the help of a sample application, we will walk through the lifecycle of that application with Docker.

The online course is presented almost entirely on video and some of the topics covered in this course preview include:

  • Overview and Installation

  • Docker Machine

  • Docker Container and Image Operations

  • Dockerfiles and Docker Hub

  • Docker Volumes and Networking

  • Docker Compose

Access a free sample chapter

In the course, we focus on creating an end-to-end workflow for our application — from development to production. We’ll use Docker as our primary container environment and Jenkins as our primary CI/CD tool. All of the Docker hosts used in this course will be deployed on the cloud (DigitalOcean).

Install Docker

You’ll need to have Docker installed in order to work along with the course materials. All of Docker’s free products come under the Docker Community Edition. They’re offered in two variants: edge and stable. All of the enterprise and production-ready products come under the Docker Enterprise Edition umbrella.

And, you can download all the Docker products from the Docker Store. For this course, we will be using the Community edition. So, click on “GET DOCKER CE” to proceed further. If you select “Linux” in the “Operating Systems” section, you’ll see that Docker is available on all the major Linux distributions, like CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, and so on. It’s also available for Mac and Windows.

This preview series is intended to give you a sample of the course format and quality of the content, which is prepared and presented by Neependra Khare (@neependra), Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga, Docker Captain, and author of the Docker Cookbook.

Watch the sample videos to learn more:  

Want to learn more? Access all the free sample chapter videos now!