GNOME Summary – 2001-11-30 – 2001-12-07


Author: JT Smith

This is the GNOME Summary for 2001-11-30 – 2001-12-07.

Table of Contents

1. GNOME2 Screenshots starting to roll in
2. Gediminas Paulauskas ports nautilus-gtkhtml to GNOME2
3. Accessibility and Multimedia
4. Rodney Dawes releases new Encompass
5. Nice looking archiver released
6. ORBit2 FAQ available
7. GNOME Foundation board election results now final
8. Yelp is on the way
9. Translated GNOME summaries
10. Hacker Activity
11. New and Updated Software

1. GNOME2 Screenshots starting to roll in

As more and more people are able to compile and run GNOME2 screenshots 
documenting their progress is popping up. First one shows Glade2
running, second shows a GNOME 2 desktop running Glade2, GNOME terminal,
Nautilus and in the panel wanda and the pager, the third shows a
suggestion for a new GNOME2 file selector and the fourth show Nautilus
and gedit running on a GNOME2 desktop.

2. Gediminas Paulauskas ports nautilus-gtkhtml to GNOME2

Gediminas Paulauskas posted to the GNOME2 list this week announcing that
he has updated the nautilus-gtkhtml component to use gtkhtml2 and work
with the GNOME2 version of Nautilus. In addition Padraig O'Briain at Sun
are working on adding full accessiblity support for Gtkhtml2. Links
below to a screenshot of the new component running, the full
announcement from Gediminas and the gtkhtml2 homepage.

3. Accessibility and Multimedia

Want to learn more about how to make multimedia applications accessible?
Well a few days ago Wim Taymans of the GStreamer project and Bill
Hanneman, Sun's leading accessibility expert discussed this topic on
IRC. Below you find a slighly edited log of that conversation. So if you
missed the opportunity to lurk during this talk, well now you can still
get the info to make your multimedia applications accessible.

4. Rodney Dawes releases new Encompass

After a full rewrite Rodney Dawes releases the first alpha release of
the new Encompass browser. Design goals for this round is extensibility
and flexibility. LLinks below to the full announcement and the Encompass

5. Nice looking archiver released

Many people have requested a Archiver that both support a wide range of 
formats, but also looks nice. A Winzip for GNOME so to speak. Well this
week File Roller was relased at it looks like it just might be the
application to fill that role. It even has a bonobo based document
viewer. Check out the File Roller homepage for the details.

6. ORBit2 FAQ available

Michael Meeks made a nice FAQ about the new ORBit2 that will be rolled
out togheter with GNOME2. So if you have questions about the new engine
of GNOME2 then read the FAQ.

7. GNOME Foundation board election results now final

The results of the GNOME Foundation board elections are now officially
out. No suprises compared to the preliminary results to congratulations
to Jonathan Blandford, Miguel de Icaza, Nat Friedman, Jim Gettys
Jody Goldberg, Telsa Gwynne, James Henstridge, George Lebl
Federico Mena-Quintero, Havoc Pennington and Daniel Veillard. 

The new board has also had their first meeting, and the minutes from
that meeting you find as the second link below. One of the most
interesting pieces of news from that minute is that GUADEC3 is to find
place in Seville, Spain, 4-6th of April 2002

8. Yelp is on the way

Mikael Hallendal at CodeFactory gave use this screenshot of the new
GNOME2 help browser, Yelp. Looks great and easy to use. Now only if we
can get Star to make a background image for the text it will look even
better :)

9. Translated GNOME summaries

As always we have translations of the GNOME summaries available. So
linked below are French translation, Spanish translation and Hungarian
translation. If there are other translations available please let us

10. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 210 gnucash
 92 evolution
 73 gnome-core
 70 gnomemm
 70 galeon
 50 gtk+
 36 gimp
 36 gnumeric
 29 gnomeicu
 29 pan
 29 gnome-control-center
 28 gnome-i18n
 28 web-devel-2
 27 SashComponents
 22 libgnomeui
 22 yelp
 21 ORBit2
 21 gcompris
 20 at-spi
 19 gfax
[150 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 96 peticolas (gnucash)
 79 menthos
 74 murrayc
 53 rlb (gnucash)
 38 rodrigo
 36 kmaraas
 35 linas (gnucash)
 33 cactus
 33 fejj
 32 rasta
 28 pablo
 27 michael
 27 darin
 26 chrisime
 24 hp
 23 kevinv
 22 gfarris
 22 owen
 22 carlos
 22 jbaayen
[153 active hackers omitted]

11. New and Updated Software

galeon  - GNOME web browser based on Gecko
gLabels  - Lightweight program for creating labels and business cards
galeon  - GNOME web browser based on Gecko
gnomeldap  - A client for accessing data stored in LDAP servers
gmmusic  - Music collection database, based on PostgreSQL.
Wildcard  - Program for renaming files.
wavelan-applet  - Applet to display the signal strength of a WaveLan
GNOME Workstation Command Center  - The one stop workstation
adminstartion program
Pan  - Newsreader, loosely based on Agent and Gravity
GnomeMeeting  - Video conferencing software for Linux.
File Roller  - File Roller is an archive manager.
Anjuta  - Versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Gnome News Applet  - Panel applet displaying headlines
Gnome-vim  - Gnome-vim is a Bonobo component
Scigraphica  - Application for technical graphics and data analysis.
glade--  - Backend for glade to create C++ sources.
gnometris  - Tetris-like game for GNOME.
Truevision  - Truevision is a 3d modeler
Gnome-chord  - Guitar chord index that graphically displays chords
gnome-pilot-conduits  - Additional conduits for gnome-pilot.
gnome-pilot  - Daemon for pilot synchronization
linphone  - Lets you make two-party phone
DevHelp  - Developers help program. Browse and search GNOME API and GNU
euterpe-applet  - Euterpe is a media archive searching applet.
Elysium Download  - Download manager for GNOME using gnome-vfs.
libelysium  - Set of utility functions
bond  - apid application development tool which works with GLADE
gobm4  - m4 macros for gob
gnome mlview  - Tree oriented xml editor
gdkxft  - Anti-aliased fonts to the gnome desktop
GCronTime  - Program for the management of planned operations.
lahelper  - LaHelper is a LaTeX assistant
David  - David is a C, C++ code editor
GNOME SmsSend  - Gnome SmsSend is a user interface to SmsSend
Pybliographer  - Tool for manipulating bibliographic databases

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map:

Another week of heavy GNOME2 hacking, next week we hope to bring you
news about the new 0.3.0 release of GStreamer so remember to check back


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