GNOME Summary for 2001-12-16 – 2002-01-04


Author: JT Smith

“This is the GNOME Summary for 2001-12-16 – 2002-01-04.”

Table of Contents

1. Gnumeric 1.0 out
2. Metatheme 0.6.3 available
3. Tutorial on GNOME2 development
4. Gtk-Sharp status report
5. Review of Galeon
6. Ximian Setup Tools developers never sleep
7. Ximian Setup Tools developers never sleep
8. Evolution excitement never stops
9. Anjuta2 moving fast towards GNOME2
10. gftp 2.0.11 out with GTK+ 2.0 support
11. Translated GNOME summaries
12. Hacker Activity
13. New and Updated Software

1. Gnumeric 1.0 out

The great Gnumeric spreadsheet has been deemed ready for its big 1.0
release by its authors and userbase. Being cleaned of bugs and having
gotten things like Graph support it is now ready for mass
So if you want to try out the worlds best and most free spreadsheet
application visit the website and read the release announcement and
start downloading. Many kudos to the Gnumeric team for their great

2. Metatheme 0.6.3 available

A new development release of the very cool Metatheme package is
available. For those of you who don't know Metatheme can I tell you
it is a GNOME Control Center capplet which lets you choose integrated
themes for the whole desktop. This means that instead of having to
change everything separatly like today, you have the option of using
premade collections of themes to get that nice integrated look for
desktop. Currently has support for themes for Sawfish, 
GTK+, XMMS and background images.

3. Tutorial on GNOME2 development

Mikael Hallendal and Richard Hult, two of the fantastic hackers at
CodeFactory has started a series of articles on IBM developerworks
GNOME 2.0 development. The first great installment is already up so
sure to read these. And start hacking your GNOME2.0 based application

4. Gtk-Sharp status report

Mike Kestner, maintainer of the GTK+ C# bindings wrote a status
report a
few days ago. It details the current status of the bindings and the
issues currently being worked on. With the Mono C# compiler now being
able to compile itself, it really looks like 2002 will be the year
C# becomes an option for people wanting to develop GNOME
Who knows, maybe Mike even reincarnate Achtung in C# :)

5. Review of Galeon

They say the best just keep getting better and that is certainly true
for Galeon, has a review of this fan favourite
application and once again Galeon gets a big thumbs up. Congrats to
Galeon dudes.

6. Ximian Setup Tools developers never sleep

Chema Celorio is working on yet another Ximian Setup Tool, this time
is the DHCP server's turn to get a nice graphical configuration tool.
Talking about Chema, I would also like to give a special thanks to
from the GNOME summary team for all his contributions to the Summary
last year, keep up the good work dude. Oh, and of course we have a
screenshot of Chema's new creation.

7. Ximian Setup Tools developers never sleep

Chema Celorio is working on yet another Ximian Setup Tool, this time
is the DHCP server's turn to get a nice graphical configuration.
about Chema, I would also like to give a special thanks to Chema from
the GNOME summary team for all his contributions to the Summary last
year, keep up the good work dude. Oh, and of course we have a
of Chema's new creation.

8. Evolution excitement never stops

The world can apparently never get enough of the Evolution groupware
client. This time a big group of hackers let themselves be
with messages of their experiences, feelings and dreams for this
application. Don't miss this parade of celebrities in new and

9. Anjuta2 moving fast towards GNOME2

The Anjuta2 Integrated Development Environment is being ported to
as we speak. Jeroen Zwartepoorte posted a message telling us that the
gnome-build component is now ready and ported. Another nice Anjuta2
addition is Gustavo M. Giráldez new layout management dialog. Check
the 2 announcements which both include nice screenshots.

10. gftp 2.0.11 out with GTK+ 2.0 support

The popular ftp client developed by Brian Masney, gftp, has seen a
release recently. As which such a mature application most new
are bugfixes and other small fixes, but the last few releases also
support compiling with GTK+ 2.0. So if you want a ftp client for your
GNOME2 desktop just compile with '--enable-gtk20'. 

11. Translated GNOME summaries

As always we have translations of the GNOME summaries available. So
linked below are French translation, Spanish translation and
translation. If there are other translations available please let us

12. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 136 gnucash
 95 gnumeric
 77 galeon
 33 gtk+
 31 evolution
 29 gnomeicu
 29 anjuta
 29 eel
 28 nautilus
 27 libgda
 26 pan
 25 gnome-applets
 25 gnome-core
 20 sodipodi
 18 gnome-i18n
 16 mc
 16 gmime
 16 gimp
 15 gnome-games
 15 librsvg
[113 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 100 linas (gnucash)
 50 rodrigo
 44 darin
 42 jody
 41 pablo
 38 menthos
 37 fejj
 27 hp
 27 chyla
 25 stano
 24 michael
 21 kevinv
 19 mpeseng
 19 andersca
 17 peticolas (gnucash)
 17 battery841
 16 murrayc
 15 cstim (gnucash)
 15 guelzow
 15 proskin
[110 active hackers omitted]

13. New and Updated Software

gFTP  - Multithreaded FTP client
Guikachu  - Application for graphical editing of resource files for 
PalmOS-based pocket computers
pyFind  - Dimple Find File utility for GNOME.
gtk+widgexts  - Gtk+widgexts is a set of extended widgets
gno3dtet  - 3D Tetris.
GTKpas  - An OOP binding to GTK for FreePascal.
pop mail check applet  - Minimalist mail check applet.
vlc  - DVD, VCD and MPEG player for Gnome
Truevision  - 3d modeler for povray
Gnumeric  - Worlds best spreadsheet
Coriander  - GUI IIDC compliant, IEEE1394 Digital Camera.
gtkgrepmail  - Front end to grepmail
FileMenuApplet  - Applet which lets you browse directories
galeon  - Galeon is a GNOME web browser based on Gecko
glame  - Targeted to be the GIMP for audio processing.
GCronTime  - Management of planned operations.
Metatheme  - Whole system themeing
GnomeICU  - Internet Communication Utility for Gnome.
gramps  - GRAMPS is a GNOME/Python based genealogy program.
Solfege  - GNU Solfege is an eartraining program
Tacal  - Tacal: maths program,matrices,complexes,polynoms
Tenes Empanadas Graciela  - Multiplayer turn-based strategy game.
Gfax  - Pop up fax application
gtktalog  - Easily browse a CDROM database.
gnocl  - Tcl extension (package) which implements gtk and gnome
Gaphor  - UML modeling environment.
DiaCanvas2  - Library for drawing diagrams.
File Roller  - Archive manager.
rubrica  - An addressbook
MrProject  - Project management program
gnomeradio  - Radio tuner
linphone  - Web-phone.
Firestarter  - Complete firewall tool for Linux machines.
Abiword  - Full featured and cross-plattform Wordprocessor.
GQview  - Simple image viewer
power-applet  - Another Battery monitor applet
wavelan-applet  - Applet to display the signal strength of a WaveLan

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map:

Ok, Christmas vaction over and a new summary out for your enjoyment.
Remember that if you feel some projects out there don't get the
attention from the summaries that they should, please mail us with a
story idea. I think 95% of all submission we have gotten have been
included so the chance of getting your story printed is quite high.


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