Hands-on with Canonical’s Orange Box and a Peek Into Cloud Nirvana


Looking down into the Orange Box. The ten naked NUCs are vertically mounted to the walls, while the central cavity includes a power supply, gigabit Ethernet switch, and shared storage.
Lee Hutchinson

Take ten high-end Intel NUCs, a gigabit Ethernet switch, a couple of terabytes of storage, and cram it all into a fancy custom enclosure. What does that spell? Orange Box.

Not the famous gaming bundle from Valve, though—this Orange Box is a sales demo tool built by Canonical. There are more than a dozen Orange Boxes in the wild right now being used as the hook to get potential Canonical users interested in trying out Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS), Juju, and other Canonical technologies. We got the chance to sit down with Canonical’s Dustin Kirkland and Ameet Paranjape for an afternoon and talk about the Orange Box: what it is, what it does, and more importantly, what it is not.

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