Happy holidays from Linux.com


Author: Linux.com Staff

Many religions have some sort of holiday during this season, and many companies close down or work short hours until the current year ends and the next one begins. We, too, will be taking time off to spend with our families and friends, so Linux.com will be on a reduced posting schedule between now and January 1. We’ll still cover breaking news, and you’ll see a trickle of feature articles and NewsVac links, but not as many as you’re used to.As we move into this end-of-the-year slow period, we’d like to thank all of you who have supported us in 2006, and we hope our efforts have helped you professionally or personally. Our job is to inform and entertain our readers, and we work hard to meet these twin goals. Many of our successes are the result of news tips and suggestions from you and other readers. This is as good a time as any to thank you for your efforts, which we heartily appreciate and hope you choose to continue in years to come.

So hoist a glass of ale, wine, juice, or other appropriate beverage, and wish each other good cheer and a bright future.

Robin ‘Roblimo’ Miller, Editor in Chief
Lee ‘StoneLion’ Schlesinger, Executive Editor
Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockmeier, Linux.com Site Director
Joe ‘warthawg’ Barr, Senior Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
Nathan Willis, Associate Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
David ‘cdlu’ Graham, NewsVac Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com/ITMJ
Tina Gasperson, Contributing Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
Bruce Byfield, Contributing Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
Dmitri Popov, Contributing Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
Mayank Sharma, Contributing Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com
Lisa Hoover, Contributing Editor, NewsForge/Linux.com