Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Docker Partner For the Containerized Data Center


Docker, with its containerized technology, is leaping into the enterprise with its Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) partnership.

This strategic alliance, the first at this scale for Docker, includes sales, engineering, support, and knowledge sharing for HPE data-center customers. At the heart of this alliance is HPE’s Docker-ready server program. HPE servers will be bundled with the Linux-based Docker Engine and support. This will enable customers to create containerized applications, which will be portable across all of HPE’s servers….

Ben Golub, Docker’s CEO, added, “Our commercial end-to-end platform, Docker Datacenter, provides HPE customers with a comprehensive solution that covers all of their requirements over time. Enterprises leveraging this joint solution can achieve immediate efficiencies while focusing on existing applications, which can include a 20X optimization on their infrastructure, while shipping their applications 13X faster.”

What this means is that HPE and Docker will deliver, through all of HPE channels, the following container and hardware packages.

Read more at ZDNet