Hitchhiker’s Guide to IoT Standards and Protocols


When it comes to IoT protocols, there’s no one clear winner. This article outlines communications protocols from MQTT and Wi-Fi to less well-known offerings. In this article, we focus on a framework of how you can think about this problem of standards, protocols, and radios. 

The framework of course depends on if your deployment is going to be internal, such as in a factory, or external, such as a consumer product. In this conversation, we’ll focus on products that are launching externally to a wider audience of customers, and for that, we have a lot to consider.

Let’s look at the state of the IoT right now — bottom line, there’s not a standard that’s so prolific or significant that you’re making a mistake by not using it. What we want to do, then, is pick the thing that solves the problem that we have as closely as possible and has acceptable costs to implement and scale, and not worry too much about fortune telling the future popularity of that standard.  

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