How can I be a part of Fedora?


Author: JT Smith

How can I be a part of the Fedora project and be able to cast a vote for the codename for the next Fedora releases? I want to contribute with ideas and distribute Live CDs in my location?
If you have the same question?
You can be part of Fedora by joining one of the sub projects available at Any fedora contributor would be able to vote for a codename for the upcoming releases of Fedora. Ideas are worth it’s weight in gold but the key factor in realizing those ideas in many instances is to step up and do the work
involved. With Free software, you don’t have to be contend with merely being a consumer and you have the nice opportunity to go beyond it and drive the changes you desire. Go for it.

If you are interested in distributing media freely to more end users, join the Free Media project at where hundreds of copies of Fedora is being distributed every month all over the world by volunteers in the Fedora community. Give everyone you can, the
gift of Fedora!



  • Linux