How FinTech Company Europace Is Modeling Its Corporate Structure on Open Source Principles


Concepts such as decentralizing strategy, delegating direction, and fierce transparency in communication are part of the backbone of successful open source projects. In my presentation at Open Source Summit EU in Prague, I will explore how these concepts are not only applicable to volunteer-run organizations but can also help growing corporations avoid some of the coordination overhead that often comes with growing teams and organizations.

We’ll look at some of the key aspects of how project members collaborate at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF). After that, we’ll take a closer look at German FinTech company Europace AG, which decided to move toward self-organization two years ago. We’ll highlight parallels between Europace AG’s organizing approaches and those of open source projects.

Let’s start with some of the core values of ASF projects.

Community over Code

One main principle is the concept of “community over code” — which means that without a diverse and healthy team of contributors to a project, there is no project. It puts the team front and center, as highlighted in the Apache project maturity model.

Read more at The Linux Foundation