How Project Calico Transcends the Limits of Software-Defined Networking


Project Calico is an open source layer three virtual networking system for containers, which can be deployed across a variety of todays platforms and setups, including hybrid environments. While centralized control can quickly cause an underlying software-defined network (SDN) to reach load capacity, Project Calicos removal of a central controller helps ease this pain point for developers.

In this episode of The New Stack Makers embedded below, we explore how Project Calico hopes to streamline and evolve software-defined networking, as well as the Calico’s collaboration with Flannel to build the Canal policy-based secure networking software. With Project Calico, there is no centralized controller. It uses etcd as a high-level key value store. Then we have an agent that runs on every host, that has an algorithm that calculates in a distributed fashion exactly what a host has to do. This is good for horizontal scale, which becomes important with the move to containers, said Pollitt.

Read more at The New Stack