HPC Reflections: SC09 in Portland, OR

Article Source Linux Magazine
December 2, 2009, 7:51 am

Arriving home from the annual SC show has become rather routine. My wife assumes I will be “out of sorts” until after Thanksgiving, my daughter usually wants to inspect my t-shirt haul, and I just want to lay on the sofa and watch some mindless television. As it is now the first week of December I am basically recovered from my sojourn to Portland, although I find myself wanting to remain on the sofa.

I don‚Äôt know if busy is the right word to describe my week. Perhaps over-allocated is a better description. Let‚Äôs start with my last night in Portland (Thursday Nov. 19th). It has become somewhat of a tradition that fellow cluster geek and Linux Magazine writer Jeff Layton and I have dinner on this night…

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