HPC on Wall Street: Report From the Front

Article Source Linux Magazine
September 23, 2009, 7:04 am

Last week I attended the HPC on Wall Street meeting at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City (Follow the link to the speaker slides). What a difference a year can make. If you recall last year, the September meeting was right in the middle of the Wall Street meltdown. Lehman and Merrill were recent casualties and everyone seemed to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Attendance was down and the most asked question seemed to be “How are you guys doing?” (”guys” meaning a company) There was also some justified panic in the air as the “Wall Street — What could go wrong?” boat was taking on more water than most people suspected.

I don‚Äôt want to dwell in the past, other than to say, at the event last year, some attendees were of the opinion that IT, and in particular HPC on Wall Street, would take several years to rebound…

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