Huang: Crowdfunding the Novena Open Laptop


Andrew “bunnie” Huang has announced an effort to crowdfund an open laptop. They are ARM-based “hacker laptops” (and desktops) where the display opens “the wrong way” to facilitate access to the hardware inside. It runs Linux, of course, and all of the hardware design is freely available. “To be clear, this is not a machine for the faint of heart. It’s an open source project, which means part of the joy – and frustration – of the device is that it is continuously improving. This will be perhaps the only laptop that ships with a screwdriver; you’ll be required to install the battery yourself, screw on the LCD bezel of your choice, and you’ll get the speakers as a kit, so you don’t have to use our speaker box design – if you have access to a 3D printer, you can make and fine tune your own speaker box.” (Thanks to Paul Wise.)

Read more at LWN