IBM Updates Bluemix OpenWhisk Serverless Platform


As evidence of just how hot serverless computing appears to be for developers in the cloud, IBM has added a slew of new features to its Bluemix OpenWhisk platform. Big Blue introduced the OpenWhisk platform at its InterConnect 2016 conference in Las Vegas in February. Since then the technology has caught on with developers, many of whom are attracted to it due to its openness, IBM said.

To make OpenWhisk even more attractive, IBM is making it easier for developers to rapidly debug code, more tightly integrate with third party tools and open communities, and adopt a broader range of programming languages. Indeed, since the launch, IBM has continued to expand the ecosystem for OpenWhisk as well as add new features and services such as instant debugging for Node.js, Python and Swift actions, as well as support for new runtimes such as Java, Node v6, Python and Swift v3.

Read more at The New Stack