Industry Experts from Yelp, IBM, Netflix, and More Will Speak at MesosCon in Los Angeles


Conference highlights for MesosCon North America — taking place Sept. 13-15 in Los Angeles, CA — include real-world experiences and insight from companies deploying Mesos in the datacenter.

This annual conference brings together users and developers to share and learn about the Mesos project and its growing ecosystem. The conference features two days of sessions focused on the Apache Mesos Core and related technologies, as well as a one-day hackathon.  

Session highlights include:

  • How Runs on Mesos in AWS Spot Fleet for Fun and Profit, Kyle Anderson, Yelp

  • Distributed Deep Learning on Mesos with GPUs and Gang Scheduling, Min Cai and Alex Sergeev, Uber

  • DataStax Enterprise on DC/OS – Yes, it’s Possible; Customer Case Studies, Kathryn Erickson and Ravi Yadav, DataStax

  • Introduction to Multi-tenancy in Mesos, Jay Guo, IBM

  • Real time event processing and handling stateful applications on Mesos, Balajee Nagarajan and Venkatesh Sivasubramanian, GE Digital

  • OpenWhisk as a Mesos Framework, Tyson Norris, Adobe

  • Practical container scheduling: juggling optimizations, guarantees, and trade-offs at Netflix, Sharma Podila, Netflix

  • Fault tolerant frameworks – making use of CNI without docker, Aaron Wood, Verizon

You can view the full schedule of sessions and activities and save $200 when you register by July 25. Register Now!