An Interview with Heptio, the Kubernetes Pioneers


I recently spent some time chatting with Craig McLuckie, CEO of the leading Kubernetes solutions provider Heptio. Centered around both developers and system administrators, Heptio’s products and services simplify and scale the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Petros Koutoupis: For all our readers who have yet to hear of the remarkable things Heptio is doing in this space, please start by telling us, who is Craig McLuckie?

Craig McLuckie: I am the CEO and founder of Heptio. My co-founder, Joe Beda, and I were two of the three creators of Kubernetes and previously started the Google Compute Engine, Google’s traditional infrastructure as a service product. He also started the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), of which he is a board member.

PK: Why did you start Heptio? What services does Heptio provide?

CL: Since we announced Kubernetes in June 2014, it has garnered a lot of attention from enterprises looking to develop a strategy for running their business applications efficiently in a multi-cloud world.

Perhaps the most interesting trend we saw that motivated us to start Heptio was that enterprises were looking at open-source technology adoption as the best way to create a common platform that spanned on-premises, private cloud, public cloud and edge deployments without fear of vendor lock-in. Kubernetes and the cloud native technology suite represented an incredible opportunity to create a powerful “utility computing platform” spanning every cloud provider and hosting option, that also radically improves developer productivity and resource efficiency.

In order to get the most out of Kubernetes and the broader array of cloud native technologies, we believed a company needed to exist that was committed to helping organizations get closer to the vibrant Kubernetes ecosystem. Heptio offers both consultative services and a commercial subscription product that delivers the deep support and the advanced operational tooling needed to stitch upstream Kubernetes into modern enterprise IT environments.

Read more at Linux Journal