Introducing The Alexandria Project

Those that know me know that I firmly believe that there is a Monty Python vignette, or at least a catchphrase, for every occasion. And on this occasion, that catchphrase is, “And now for something completely different!”

How completely different, might you ask, as if on cue? Glad you asked. Quite completely different. More specifically, I’m in the process of writing a cybersecurity novel called The Alexandria Project, and I’m going to share it here in serial form, in the grand tradition of yesteryear, when authors like Charles Dickens presented their latest works in weekly or monthly (often cliff hanging) chapters.

Except in this case, there will be a few twists. For one, in between installments you’ll be able to follow Frank Aversego, our erstwhile cybersecurity hero, on Twitter. He’ll share his mordant view of the day’s events (real and fictional) with you, and perhaps provide the occasional clue as to what might happen.

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