Introducing the OpenDaylight Ambassador Program


The growth of the OpenDaylight community has been astounding in the 15 months since launch. It started with just a handful of developers and has climbed to over 220 from a range of backgrounds, including seven student interns from around the globe – all working together to create the future of networking built on open source technologies.

Interest in the project is growing so quickly that we’ve put together an ambassador program to help sustain and grow the worldwide community. We are looking to enlist OpenDaylight experts who know and use the code and who are willing to share that knowledge with others around the world, with the project providing support and resources to enable that.

Ambassador Profile

Someone who is passionate about OpenDaylight and open SDN and recognized for their expertise and willingness to help others learn about the software. Usually hands-on practitioners. Someone who has the characteristics of being helpful, hopeful and humble. People like bloggers, influencers, evangelists who are already engaged with the project in some way. Contributing to forums, online groups, community, etc.


Read more at OpenDaylight Blog