It’s All Go For Open Source Events

Article Source Linux Journal
September 16, 2009, 2:26 pm

Open Source events tend to be rather spread out across the year. starts things off in January, followed by Linux Journal staff favorite Penguicon in May, two of the major yearly conferences in July, the Linux Symposium and O’Reilly’s OSCON, the new but integral Linux Plumber’s Conference in September, and wrapping it all up, the Linux Congress in October. Added to that, just days from now, is the inaugural LinuxCon and the Geek High Holy Day, Software Freedom Day.

If you’ve been following along for the past few months, then it will come as little surprise that the date for LinuxCon is closing fast. Beginning this coming Monday, geeks from all corners of geekdom will descend on Portland to learn about Linux straight from the mouths of the masters, including a beardless Bdale Garbee, Ubuntu’s Mark Shuttleworth, and the man himself, Linus Torvalds. They schedule also includes the obligatory sessions and seminars, networking opportunities, discounted certification exams, a Penguin-based bowling tournament fundraiser, and the (melo)dramatic unmasking of the Fake Linuses Torvalds


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