Kdenlive: A Video Editor in the Spotlight

Article Source Linux Magazine
July 9, 2009, 6:54 am

One of the great things about Linux is that a single twenty minute install will not only give you a powerful operating system with all your hardware working out of the box, but also a great set of applications. As the quality of free/libre software gets better and better, the desktop as a whole becomes much more attractive.

However, one major piece of software which has been missing for many years is a powerful video editing program. You know, the type of program that a user wants to use to create home movies from their digital video camera and the like. There are numerous projects out there, such as Kino and Cinelerra, but nothing to really rival the offerings available on other operating systems. It‚Äôs not that these Linux programs are not high quality, they are, they just lack the polish and ease of use that Apple‚Äôs commercial iMovie program does, for example. So while everyone ponders when the year of Linux desktop will be, others are busy working on another missing piece of the puzzle…

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