Korea Linux Forum Hosts Kernel Collaboration Gangnam Style


This week The Linux Foundation is hosting its first-ever event in South Korea, the Korea Linux Forum in the Gangnam District. This was planned long before PSY’s Gangnam-style videowent viral but who are we not to do our part in contributing to this craze and honoring our host location?


tux gangnamNo, that’s not Linus; though, he is at the event this week, as are Linux kernel maintainers Greg Kroah-Hartman, Ted Ts’o and others. The event is focused on bringing together Korean and mainline Linux kernel developers to advance Linux for the global community. There is a wealth of developer talent in Korea and we’re excited about what Samsung and other Korean companies are contributing to Linux.

The keynotes and conference sessions have been specifically selected to facilitate this collaboration, focusing on embedded, storage, performance, filesystems and and how to successfully contribute code to the Linux kernel.

Samsung earlier this year joined The Linux Foundation as a platinum member, signaling the importance of Linux in mobile computing, in Korea and among Korean companies. You can see the result of Samsung’s engagement with the Linux community in action with their contribution of 13,000 lines of code for the F2FS file system last week to the Linux kernel. Samsung is invested in F2FS because it’s designed for NAND flash-memory-based devices, which have unique storage characteristics. Today at Korea Linux Forum there is a workshop dedicated to this where Ted Ts’o will discuss the filesystem and collaborate with Samsung and other developers about how to advance it for Linux. The future of Linux is mobile and the future of mobile is flash storage. This collaboration makes Linux stronger and is good business for Samsung. We are excited to play a small role here at The Linux Foundation to accelerate this technical collaboration.

Thanks again to host sponsor Samsung. We also want to thank Platinum amd closing reception sponsor Intel; Gold sponsors Black Duck Software, Google and NHN; and Silver sponsor ENEA.

Now, get your dance on.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0″ frameborder=”0