Ledger Systems Today Are Siloed and Disconnected. Hyperledger Quilt Wants to Solve That


Hyperledger Quilt started over a year ago and is a Java implementation of the Interledger protocol. We talked with Adrian Hope-Bailie, Standards Officer at Ripple and Maintainer of Hyperledger Quilt about the problem this project wants to solve, its benefits, limitations and more.

JAXenter: What is Hyperledger Quilt and what problem does it want to solve?

Adrian Hope-Bailie: Hyperledger Quilt offers interoperability between ledger systems by implementing the Interledger Protocol (ILP), which is primarily a payments protocol and is designed to transfer value across systems – both distributed ledgers and non-distributed ledgers. It is a simple protocol that establishes a global namespace for accounts, as well as, a protocol for synchronized atomic swaps between different systems.

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