LF Energy Spring Summit 2021: Lighting Up the Future


Click on the image above for TFiR coverage of the LF Energy Spring Summit

To avert the worst of the climate crisis, the decarbonization of our power systems leads the way. We have ten years. With a greener grid, we can wholly embark on the electrification of automobiles, decarbonization of our built environments, and the electrification of trucking. Together, these four sectors will represent approximately 75% of the journey to remain below 1.5°C.  

Hosted within The Linux Foundation, LF Energy leads the way by bringing together stakeholders to solve the complex, interconnected problems associated with the decarbonization of energy and sector coupling through neutral governance, an open, collaborative community, and using resilient, secure, and flexible open source software. 

Join us at our April 14th event and be part of the movement!  

The LF Energy Spring Summit 2021 is a half-day virtual event that will take place in two time segments on April 14th (April 15th in Asia/Australia) to accommodate a global audience. Visit us and register at https://events.linuxfoundation.org/lf-energy-spring-summit/register/. Standard registration is $50USD. 

The End of Black Boxes, Open Source, and Getting to a Greener Future 

Power systems have historically considered infrastructure to be big, expensive, heavy hardware and software, composed into black boxes that last for 50 years. Decoupling hardware and software is a giant step in digitalization. At the Linux Foundation, we have done this before!

If energy is anything like other industrials, software-defined infrastructure that supports virtualization and automation is where we are heading. Rather than forklift applications, we need fast, iterative development and releases that enable the grid and our requirements about current conditions to adapt as the grid evolves rapidly. Digitalization means that system operators can “network and shape electrons” by orchestrating the metadata about an electron, thus enabling a choreography of supply and demand in ways never before possible. Parallels have been made to the telecommunications industry, and while instructive of digitalization and innovation pathways, electrons are physical and not abstracted like a packet. Electrons need physical surfaces, like power lines, to meet demand or deliver a resource back to the greater network. Digitalization will facilitate a radically energy-efficient future. When every electron counts, renewable and distributed energy provides humanity with the tools to address climate change by decarbonizing the grid, powering the transition to e-mobility, and supporting the urbanization of world populations.

Our community is ground zero for innovation! Join us at the Summit!

The Program Flow 

The LF Energy Spring Summit 2021 takes place on April 14th and is a virtual event with two segments, to accommodate different time zonesThis event will be recorded and available to attendees post-event as well. 

Segment 1: 6:00 – 11:30 am PDT (3:00 – 8:30 pm CEST)

Segment 2: 3:00 – 8:30 pm PDT (7:00 – 12:30 am JST, April 15) 

The discussion will consist of the latest updates and future trends in the power and energy system. Hear our speakers as they share their knowledge and experiences with you. 

This year’s tracks include: [Review Full Schedule

    • Best Practices in Open Source Development/ Lessons Learned 
    • Certifying Open Source Projects & compliance 
    • DevOps + Cloud Native + Microservices 
    • Growing & Sustaining Open Source Projects 
    • Microgrids 
    • Open Source Program Office (OSPO)/TODO Group 
    • Organizational Transformation 
    • Power System Network Operations for the Future 
    • Price-based Grid Coordination 
    • Project Highlights 
    • Social + Technical + Economic Directions 

For more information and to register, please visit our website

Towards a Diversified LF Energy Community 

Great minds and ideas have no race, gender, or image. Every person, when given the opportunity, can shape the world and be the future in their endeavors. LF Energy promotes a diversified community where every idea is welcome, every talent can be nurtured and honed, and every individual is respected. 

At the LF Energy Spring Summit 2021, we will gather as a global community. We believe that education and collaboration are vital in unifying us all.

LF Energy offers a diversity scholarship program that will support those from an underrepresented or marginalized community in terms of technology. It includes and is not limited to LGBTQI people, women, people of color, and people with disabilities. It will allow those who are having financial constraints and have the passion and desire to join. 

The scholarship will be given based on the needs and impact. Selection will be reviewed and assessed, and all applications will be kept confidential. Several scholarships will be given, and all that will be accepted will be given a complimentary registration to the said virtual event. 

Be part of our community. With the LF Energy Spring Summit right around the corner, be sure to register for our diversity scholarship program that welcomes all. Visit and apply at https://events.linuxfoundation.org/lf-energy-spring-summit/attend/scholarships/ to show us your passion and let us grow together.