Linux Foundation Branches Out: 10 Efforts Beyond Linux


By definition, the Linux Foundation has Linux as its core mission, helping to bring the community of Linux developers and vendors together and fostering the right environment for collaboration. When the Linux Foundation started—it was created in 2007 as a result of the merger between the Free Standards Group (FSG) and Open Source Development Labs (OSDL)—Linux was the only thing that the group did. But in 2014, that’s no longer the case.

The Linux Foundation’s expertise in open source and penchant for organizing disparate groups for efficient collaboration and development are core competencies, and its collaboration skills now extend beyond the realm of Linux into multiple collaboration projects. Those collaboration projects, which the foundation oversees, span the spectrum of computing activities, from virtualization to software-defined networking (SDN) to even the nascent Internet of things (IoT) movement. In this slide show, eWEEK takes a look at some of the efforts the Linux Foundation is leading beyond just Linux.

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