Linux home server on

W in B-More Town writes “A link on the front page of the international edition of, the story almost reads like an advertisement for a low cost ‘home server’ version of linux to provide backup of files, and net access.”The story says, “This Linux operating system-based machine, at $499 for a 120-gigabyte model (and $399 for 80GB), is designed to be idiot-proof. I’ve tried earlier such inventions and they were frustratingly complex.”

But according to the company’s Web site, the Mirra only works with Windows operating systems. Their FAQ page says, “We are currently considering support for additional operating systems, including Linux and Mac OS X, but because this will be driven in large part by customer feedback, we have no specific time frame at the present time. Once we receive more detailed customer feedback, OS support priorities will be determined.”

Oh, well.
