Linux Video of the Week: Sailfish Mobile OS Updates


Jolla’s Linux-based Sailfish project released its first handset in Finland this past November to favorable reviews. Since then the Meego-derived mobile operating system has publicized a few small, but interesting updates, including a new IRC client and a demo of the OS running on a Nexus 4 (watch the videos, below.)

After spending two years and a reported 20 million Euros developing the first Sailfish phone, Jolla now aims to improve usability – including increased Android interoperability – in its software, build its developer community, and attract new OEM and carrier partners.  

What’s their next big move? Expect to hear more exciting announcements from Jolla at Mobile World Congress next month in Barcelona, said co-founder and head of software Marc Dillon in an interview on the Jolla blogs this week.

“I can’t give away too much at the moment because that is the world’s biggest stage for these kinds of announcements but we already have a strong presence there, we’re making a lot of partnerships, meetings and discussions and we’re really excited, and this is our first big event now that we have the product in our hands,” Dillon said. 

In the meantime, here’s a taste of what’s new with the OS.

Open source developer Timur Kristof this week showed off his new IRC software for Sailfish.″ frameborder=”0