Ideaforge: Because Linux Users are Shy

Article Source Amanda McPherson’s Blog
March 3, 2009, 5:30 pm

I write that headline tongue firmly in cheek. Anyone familiar with the Linux community is also aware that Linux users are among the most passionate and opinionated people in the world. Linux was built on participation. This is why along with the news that the Linux Foundation is taking over the stewardship of, we also launched an “IdeaForge” to capture insight and ideas from users.

Much like Linux itself, will rely on the community to create and drive the content and conversation. While the Linux Foundation will provide the collaborative forum, we hope you – the real experts on Linux – will provide the content. Starting now, we‚Äôd like to hear your suggestions on what you‚Äôd like to see in the new We‚Äôve created an IdeaForge for you to post, vote and discuss these ideas. Please log in and share your thoughts or feel free to email me directly (amanda (at) linuxfoundation dot org). There are already scores of great new ideas and healthy discussion. is a strategic piece of the Linux universe. It’s a natural fit for the Linux Foundation to host Linus owns the trademark, we administer the mark, and the site fits nicely into the content and community programs we already run. By nature of this arrangement, Sourceforge has proven to be an exemplary community member. They deserve a lot of credit, and we’re extremely excited to continue working with them on

The Linux universe is getting bigger, and we want to be the umbrella site that showcases that universe. We want it to be the site for “all matters Linux,” which means a big tent with room for everyone from the hard core kernel maintainer to the newbie. Linux literally touches everyone in the modern world everyday, and we want that to be reflected on

We’re currently working on translating your ideas into the site that will become Please feel free to share your thoughts, and hopefully you can then share in the development and launch of in the next few months. This is a thrilling next chapter in the Linux Foundation’s evolution and we hope you’re along for the ride.