LinuxCon Keynote Speakers Announced


The conference takes place September 21 – 23, 2009 in Portland, Oregon at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront, and is co-located with the Linux Plumbers Conference.

The LinuxCon keynotes represent both community and industry in keeping with the audience.

Current confirmed keynotes are:

  • Joe ‚ÄúZonker‚Äù Brockmeier, openSUSE community manager, Novell
  • Bdale Garbee, open source & Linux chief technologist at Hewlett Packard, and well-known kernel developer
  • Mark Shuttleworth, founder of the Ubuntu distribution and Canonical
  • Bob Sutor, vice president of Standards and Open Source at IBM

LinuxCon welcomes everyone who has a stake in Linux. Linux users and developers will meet and learn from their peers as well as teach others, such as up-and-coming developers and new Linux users. LinuxCon eliminates the traditional tradeshow environment to provide a forum where attendees can educate themselves on the latest technical advances of the Linux platform.

Three tracks – developer, business and operations – will provide the foundation for sessions that include tutorials, keynotes, a technology showcase and targeted mini-summits on topics such as mobile, desktop
and embedded, and much more.

For more information:

Register Now at the Early Bird Rate of US$299!
Early Bird Registration Ends June 1st.
Discounted Group Rates are also available – receive 15% off of each
registration if 3 or more people from your company attend!  Email us
to receive a group discount code.

To register to attend:

Questions?  Contact us at events (at)