Live From LinuxCon: The CloudCast Podcasts on OpenStack Neutron, Canonical, PaaS Deployment, Puppet and Leaving VMWare


CloudCast logoOn the last day of LinuxCon and CloudOpen North America the “all things cloud computing” podcast, The CloudCast  hosts Aaron Delp and Brian Gracely were busy recording back-to-back episodes. They talked with Kyle Mestery, Ian Wells, and Mark McClain about OpenStack Neutron and how OpenStack could integrate with OpenDaylight for SDN environments; Jono Bacon about Canonical Cloud and Juju; Diane Mueller (The PaaS Queen) about common barriers to PaaS adoption; James Shubin about Puppet; and Kenneth Hui about his journey from VMware to OpenStack.

Listen to the episodes, below, or visit for the full show notes. And be sure to catch up on all of their CloudOpen coverage from Monday and Tuesday here:

Live from LinuxCon: The CloudCast Podcasts on SaltStack, OpenDaylight, Xen and CoreOS

Live From LinuxCon: The CloudCast Podcasts on SDN, Gluster and OpenStack