Making the Most of an SRE Service Takeover – CRE Life Lessons


In Part 2 of this blog post we explained what an SRE team would want to learn about a service angling for SRE support, and what kind of improvements they want to see in the service before considering it for take-over. And in Part 1, we looked at why an SRE team would or wouldn’t choose to onboard a new application. Now, let’s look at what happens once the SREs agree to take on the pager.

Onboarding preparation

If a service entrance review determines that the service is suitable for SRE support, developers and the SRE team move into the “onboarding” phase, where they prepare for SREs to support the service.

While developers address the action items, the SRE team starts to familiarize itself with the service, building up service knowledge and familiarity with the existing monitoring tools, alerts and crisis procedures. This can be accomplished through several methods:

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