Mandriva Linux Security Advisory 2009:316-1: expat

A vulnerability has been found and corrected in expat:

The big2_toUtf8 function in lib/xmltok.c in libexpat in Expat 2.0.1,
as used in the XML-Twig module for Perl, allows context-dependent
attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an
XML document with malformed UTF-8 sequences that trigger a buffer
over-read, related to the doProlog function in lib/xmlparse.c,
a different vulnerability than CVE-2009-2625 and CVE-2009-3720

Packages for 2008.0 are provided for Corporate Desktop 2008.0 customers

This update provides a solution to these vulnerabilities.


This vulnerability was discovered in the bundled expat code in
various softwares besides expat itself. As a precaution the affected
softwares has preemptively been patched to prevent presumptive future
exploitations of this issue.