Meet ubuntuBSD, UNIX for Human Beings


meet-ubuntubsd-unixToday we have the great pleasure of introducing you to a new project that saw the light of the Internet for the first time this past weekend, on March 12, 2016. Meet ubuntuBSD!

What’s ubuntuBSD? Well, we’ve asked that ourselves when we first spotted the project created by Jon Boden, and it’s not that hard to figure out yourself, but just in case you’re not sure, we can tell you that ubuntuBSD promises to bring the power of the FreeBSD kernel to Ubuntu Linux. It is inspired by Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. ubuntuBSD looks like something that has never been done before, and as usual, we were very curious to see how it works, so we took it for a quick test drive. Please note that at the moment of writing this article, the ubuntuBSD project was in Beta stages of development, based on the FreeBSD 10.1 and Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf).

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