MID Runs Linux on Dual-Speed Atom

Article Source LinuxDevices
November 2, 2009, 9:16 am

Chinese manufacturer Soyea has begun taking orders for a mobile Internet device (MID) that runs Linux or Windows XP on Intel’s dual-speed, MID-oriented Z515 Atom CPU. Soyea’s Z5 is equipped with 1GB RAM, an 8GB SSD, a five-inch touchscreen, plus 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and a three-megapixel webcam.

The Soyea Z5 is the first MID we’ve come across featuring Intel’s Atom Z515 CPU, which was announced in April along with a 2GHz Z550 version. Upon their release, both Atom CPUs specifically targeted the small-scale tablets known as mobile Internet devices…

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